01 March 2010

Why my friend Alan called me the Macguyver of Poop

Last night we went to Red Robin for Ammi's (Grammy/Casey/Peggy/Mom) birthday dinner. I think the problem began a day or two ago but I digress...

Kenner asked/demanded to go to the bathroom.  So up we went and back we came with no result - he had gone in the diaper before we reached the bathroom.

Our food came and he dove into his corndog and FRIES! (If you have shared a meal with Bubba at a restaurant you have heard the announcement of FRIES!)

Everything was going smoothly, I was toward the end of my burger - thank goodness! When he demanded to go to the bathroom again. This is when the trouble began. I thought I had another diaper but I didn't. We get to the bathroom and the one I had just put on was no longer empty - crap!(pun intended) I put him on the toilet because it was obvious he was not done...we did have success - he used the big boy potty!

Thank you to whom ever invented the cell phone. I had wipes but no diaper and needed one desperately. I called for back up - Ammi. I called again for back up. And I called again for back up...do you see where this is going?***Red Robin perhaps you could do something about the level of noise in your restaurants because she couldn't hear the phone.***

Thank you to God who has linked my brain with my mother's and in she came - I swear I heard that music you hear when the angel walks in in the movies....I handed the keys over the door and sent her to the car to get another diaper. This time when she returned there was no music! I had no spare diaper - BUT I did have a femine pad thanks to the trip to Wal-Mart before dinner.

We made do and then left the restaurant - hurriedly. (My poor father in tow completely confused as to what was going on.) But not before getting a to-go bag to cover the car seat with...got home in the nick of time for another evacuation. Please note the femine pad is not nearly as absorbant as the diaper.  I think some where he got a peach or strawberry...next blog title 'How I use my Macguyver skills on the fool who slipped him peach or strawberry.'

11 January 2010

Just a little catch up...

Well Kenner has amazed me again - he can count to ten with a bit of help. He gets very excited about the numbers five and nine. Its too cute. He is recognizing more and more numbers when we are out and about. I am so proud of him.

Today while in pool therapy he decided that he could put his face in the water to blow bubbles. He had refused to do that just last week. Perhaps there was some extra "brave" in his yogurt this morning.

I wonder if he is in to trying more new things if we are going to branch out go out on a limb and give pasta a spin. That sure would make meal planning that much easier.

In the world of music everything is an instrument! He plays a mean air guitar with dancing moves too. He plays his harmonica in the car. He is playing the piano now with varying rythms and loudness. I think in a few we will look into Holy Names Music Academy...

01 January 2010

A trip to the movies...

Today we decided to go to a movie with some friends. The attendees were Kenner, Ammi (aka Grammy), Jan, Lindsay (aka Giggles), Melinda and I. We went to see 'The Princess and the Frog.' Pretty good movie - a bit scarry with the voo-doo stuff but the music was good.

As we were saying our goodbyes outside the theatre Kenner of course was being cute. I went to get the car. And this is where everything went array. He saw me pull up. Waved bye to everyone. Opened the front passenger side door, hopped in, put on his seat belt - all with intermittent waves and goodbyes to the ladies standing on the sidewalk cracking up. When Ammi requested her seat he said, simply, "No." And looked at her as if to say, "Ammi I called shot gun. Now suck it up and get in the back."

So being my mother she did. Which of course made the ladies laugh that much harder. And even harder yet when mom stated proudly, "Hey my butt fits in the car seat! Hot Dog!" Only my family!

That's ok I would trade either one of them. I am just glad that the parking lot wasn't more crowded or the fact that I didn't notice the public noticing this spectacle!